Tuesday, August 28, 2012



150gm basmati rice,soaked for 1 hour

1 1/2  cup coconut milk,more or less

1 tsp ghee

4 shallots,pounded

2cm ginger,pounded

1/2 tsp cumins

1/2 tsp fenugreek

4 cardamons

4 cloves

Salt to taste

Mix all the ingredients with the rice in a rice cooker and switch on the cooker. When the rice is cook stir up and keep aside.

For tempering(A)

1 tsp mustard seeds

1 tsp ulutham parupu

4 dried chilis,broken into pieces

2 stalk kari leaves

1/8 tsp asafoetida

4-5 tbsp oil


150gm peanuts,fried

100gm freshly grated coconut

Heat the oil and add in A fry for a while add in the coconut and peanut stir well, and add the cooked rice stir well. Serve with any sambal you like.

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