Monday, August 20, 2012

LACY PANCAKE (roti jala)


250gm plain flour

2 eggs,beaten

1/4 tsp turmeric powder ( i didn't add)

500ml coconut milk,more or less

Salt to taste

Oil to grease the pan

1. In a bowl lightly whisk the coconut milk,add the eggs and salt. Sifted the flour in the mixture and stir well until you get a pancake batter.

2. Strain the batter though a fine sieve. On a low heat,grease medium sized non-stick pan. Pour a ladleful of the batter into a roti jala cup and in a circular motion from a thin lacy pattern on the pan about 8 in wide.

3. Cook until set turn over onto a plate fold both side and roll neatly. or fold each pancake into a quarter,staking them up as you go . Serve with chicken curry.

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