Sunday, June 16, 2013




40 gm plain flour

40 ml water

1 tsp vinegar

Combine flour,water and vinegar in a small container,cover and leave aside overnight.


1/2 tsp caster sugar

1/4 tsp instant yeast

1/2 tsp plain flour

1 tbsp lukewarm water

Dissolve sugar in lukewarm water and add in yeast. Sprinkle flour over and stand for 10-15 mins or until yeast turn frothy.

125 gm high protein flour

55 gm plain flour

1/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda

35 gm Castor sugar

11/4 tsp salt

A pinch of ammonia

120 ml water

Red bean paste

Sesame seeds

Oil for frying

1. Sift high protein and plain flour into a large bowl
Add soda,ammonia,sugar and salt to mix. Pour in the combined ingredients A,frothy yeast liquid and water little by little. Mix and knead into a smooth dough but a bit sticky. Cover and leave aside for 11/2 hours to rise or until the dough doubles in bulk.

2. Dust your hand and table with flour. Divide dough into 6 portions and wrap in the filling. Burst a little water onto the dough and sprinkle a little sesame seeds on the top. Press slightly into a round dish and put in the hot oil and deep fry with medium heat until golden brown.

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