Monday, September 2, 2013


The original recipe is from Zaafaroon - Authentic South Indian Fast Food. But I modified to suite my taste. Serve this with anykind of raita.
400 gm basmathi rice,soaked for 1/2 hour then drain.
250 gm kuppehkeerai (amaranthus dubius or bayam in malay),chopped
300 gm tomatoes,chopped
1 big onion,sliced finely
2 green chilis,sliced
1 tbsp ginger,garlic paste
1 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tbsp garam masala
1/2 tbsp sugar
4 cup coconut milk
4 cardamoms
4 cloves
2 small stick Cinnamon's
5 tbsp oil or ghee
Salt to taste
100 gm cashew nuts,fried for garninsing
1. Heat the oil or ghee in a wok add in the cardamom,Cinnamon's and cloves. Add in the onions and fry until light brown add in the chili and the paste. Fry until the raw smells disappear.
2. Add in the chopped tomatoes,turmeric powder,garam masala,sugar and salt mix well and fry until the oil rise. Add in the chopped vegetables and mix well. Add in the rice and mix well. Transfer the rice mixer to a rice cooker pot and pour in the coconut milk. Stir well and on the rice cooker. Cook until done.

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