Sunday, May 31, 2015



650 gm brinjal you can use the round or the long type,cut into pieces

1 tomato,chopped

1 big onion,sliced

2-3 green chilis,sliced

3 garlic,pounded

1 tsp cumin seeds

1 tsp mustard seeds

1 tsp ulutham parupu

2 stalk kari leaves

3 tbsp oil

Salt to taste

1. Heat oil in pan ( I use a non stick pan) and add in the mustard seed,cumin,ulutham parupu,curry leaves,garlic and green chili fry until the onion turn light brown.

2. Add in the tomato and salt and fry well add in the brinjals and star well . Cover the pan and cook over a low heat. Stir onces a while until the brinjals are cook. Don't add in water. Serve hot with rice


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