Friday, July 31, 2015


300 gm firm tau foo,mash it up but don't over mash
1 1/2 tbsp. chick pea flour,you may need a bit more depend on the tau foo
1-2 big onion,finely sliced
2-3 green chilies, fine sliced, add more if you like it hot.
Kari leafs or coriander leaves ,finely chopped
1 tsp fennel,pounded
2 cm ginger chopped
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
Salt to taste
Oil for frying
Note: You can add in chopped prawn,fish,chicken or anchovies with this. But I did't add any of those.
Mix all the ingredients together don't add water. Make into small patties and fry in oil till brown and
cooked. Serve with rice as a side dish. 

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