Wednesday, September 23, 2015



1 cup dhal,soaked for 4-5 hours and pressure cook with 21/2 cup water,6 garlic,2 green chilies,1 tbsp cumis seeds and 2 cm pounded ginger. Cook till soft. Keep aside

150 gm carrot,sliced 

500 gm cabbage, cut into medium size

200 gm tomato,cut into 4

2 green chilie,cut into 2

4 cups coconut milk (not very thick)

Salt to taste

For tempering:

¼ cup oil

1 big onion,finely sliced*

3 dry chilies,broken into 2*

2 stalk kari leaves*

1 tsp mustard seeds*

1 tsp ulutham parupu*

1 tsp chilie powder

1 tsp turmeric powder

1 tsp cumin powder

1.    Mix the coconut milk and the cooked dhal together and keep aside.

2.    Heat a pan and add in the oil let it became hot add in the things mark* fry till the onion turn brown.

3.    Lower the heat and add in the powders and stir well add in the tomato and chilie mix well and pour in the dhal mixer and mix well. Add in the cabbage and the carrots. Mix well and let it boil.

4.    When it cames to a boil add in the salt and cook till the vegetables are cooked. Remove from the heat and serve with rice.

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