Wednesday, January 4, 2012


300gm chicken or chicken bones
1 tomato,cut into wedges

Mix and strain

1 litre water
30gm tamarind

Mix with

4 garlic,chopped finely
1/2 tsp black pepper,ground coarsely
1 tsp cumins seeds,ground coarsely
1/4 tumeric powder,if you like
2cm ginger,chopped finely
A pinch of asafoetida
Salt to taste

Some coriander leaves,chop

For tempering(A)

1/2 big onion,finely sliced
3 dried chilli,broken into pieces
2 stalk kari leafs
1 stick cinnanom
2 star ansied
2 tbsp oil

1. Heat oil and add A and fry until the onion turn brown .
2. Add in the chicken and tomato stir, add the mix tamarind water.
3. And let it boil when the chicken is cooked .
4. Add the coriander leafs and remove from the heat.

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