Tuesday, January 3, 2012



200gm plain flour

100-120gm cold butter

4-5 tbsp cold water

Salt to taste

1. Cut butter into small cubes and rub into the flour with your finger tips until mixture resembles breadcrumbs.

2. Add in the water just enough to make it cling together. Knead lightly into a dough. Take a small piece and roll into a small circles by using a cutter.


200gm chicken,cut into small cubes

2 big potatoes,boil til cooked,remove skin and cut into small cubes.

1 tbsp meat curry powder

1/2 tbsp chili powder

1/2 cup water

Salt to taste


1 big onion,cut finely

1 tbsp ginger paste

1 tbsp garlic paste

1 stick cinnamon

1 star anis

1 stalk kari leaf,finely sliced


1. Heat the oil and add A fry until fragrant, add the chicken,powders and water let the it simmer till the chicken is cooked.
2. Add the potatoes and fry until dry. Remove from the heat and cool.

To-make the puffs

1. Put in the fillings in the centre of the pastry and fold into haft. Crimp the edges to seal. Deep fry in hot oil
until the puffs are golden brown.

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