Tuesday, January 17, 2012



1/2 cup semolina

1/3 cup sugar

200gm pumkin,cut into small cubes

2-3 tbsp ghee

6 cardamons,remove skin and pounded

375ml water

Yellow colouring

A pinch of salt

Cashewnuts for garnishing

1. Boil water and add sugar,salt,colour,cardamon and pumkin.

2. When the pumkin is haft cooked add the ghee and stir slowly add the semolina

little by little stirring all the time until the semolina finish.Put in a tray and press levelly
cool before cutting into pieces.

Note: For the mixed fruit kesari add 200gm mixed fruit to the semolina and cardamon powder

1 comment:

  1. Bro what is Tang Mien flour...Is it Wheat flour...What brand you usually used to make halwa ?



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