Wednesday, January 18, 2012


300 gm uncooked rice

60 gm mung dhall,roasted,soaked for 3 hours

60 gm channa dhall,soaked for 3 hours
60gm grated coconut

1 cup coconut milk

1 cup water

250ml milk

300gm brown sugar,or to taste. Boil with a little water till it melts,then strain.

You can replace the brown sugar with sugar.

10 cardamons,remove skin and pound

70-80gm ghee

2 pinch Salt

Fry in a little ghee

50gm cashewnuts

50gm raisins

1. Cooked rice in a rice cooker with the 2 type of dhalls and enough water.

2. Stir the rice well and remove from the rice cooker. Put it on a stove and on the stove add in the water,coconut milk,milk,grated coconut  stir well. And cook over a low heat until it boils.

3. Now add in all the rest of the ingredients and stir well till it is soft. It will became  hard  when it cool down so don't cooked it till very thick. Your pongal is done.

Note: Add in 300 gm Chopped up ripe jackfruit, to make Jackfruit pongal.

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