Tuesday, March 27, 2012



500gm sharkfish,remove the skin and cut into cubes and steamed and flaked
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp cumin powder
11/2 cup grated coconut,dry roasted until light brown.
3 tbsp oil
1 tsp ulutham parupu
1 tsp mastard seeds
1 tbsp aniseed,slightly pounded
1 big onions,finely sliced
2 green cilli,chopped
2cm ginger,minced
2 cloves garlic,minced
2 stalk kari leaves
4 dried chilli,cut into 3
Lime juice to your taste
Salt to your taste

1. Put the flaked fish in a bowl. Add in the salt,turmeric powder,cumin powder and the coconut mix.
2. Heat oil and add in the ulutham parupu,mastard seeds,onion,dried chilli, green cilli,karileafs and fry till it becomes fragrant.
3. Add in the garlic and ginger fry till very aromatic add in the aniseed and the fish stir fry. add in the lime juice to taste. Stir fry until dry.

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