Wednesday, April 4, 2012



I have added more of the prawn,chicken and mushroom in this fried rice,you can reduce the amount if you don't like it more.

300gm cooked rice
3 dry oysters mushroom,soaked overnight and sliced.
100gm chicken,sliced
100gm prawns,remove skin
2 pips garlic,pounded
1 tbsp oysters sauce
1/2 tbsp light soy sauce
1/4 chicken cube,if you like
1/3 cup water
2 tbsp oil
Salt if needed

1. Heat the oil and add the garlic and saute until light brown.
2. Add the chicken and the mushroom fry,add the oyster sauce and light soy sauce. stir fry.
3. Add the water and the prawns and let the mushroom cook. When the water is reduce add in the rice and stir fry until dry and cook.

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