Friday, June 15, 2012



100gm meehoon,pour very hot water over the beehoon and let it stand for a while,then drain.

For tempering(A)

1 big onion,finely sliced

1-2 green or red chilis,sliced

1 stalk kari leafs

1 tsp mustard seeds

1 tsp ulutham parupu (urad dhal)

2-3 tbsp oil

A pinch of asafoetida

A pinch of turmeric

Lime  to your taste

1/2 cup water,add more if needed

Salt to taste

1. Heat the  oil and add in A fry until fragrant and when the onion turn light brown add in the water,turmeric,asafoetida,lime juice and salt bring it to a boil.

2. Add in the meehoon and stir well and let the water dry up. Add in more water if the meehoon is not well cooked.Remove from the heat and serve.


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