Tuesday, September 11, 2012



250gm superfine flour*

1 tsp double action baking powder*

* sift together

1/4 tsp salt

25gm shortening

1 tsp instant yeast

125ml lukewarm water

30gm caster sugar

1/4 tsp vinegar

Enough sweet red bean fillings

1. Mix flour and salt in a big bowl add the shortening and rub into the flour.

2. Add in the yeast and mix well add in the water and vinegar and blend well to combine into a dough.

3. Knead dough well until soft and smooth. Cover and leave aside until it doubles in bulk.

4. Make round balls with the red bean paste for the fillings

5. Punch down remove dough on a lightly floured table . Shape into a long roll. Cut into even pieces about 50gm each.Roll each piece into a ball. Flatten and wrap with the filling. Pleat edges to seal and place on a cut greaseproof paper. Leave to rise about 30 mints or more. Steam pau over boiling water for 15 mints.


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