Monday, April 1, 2013



4 cups coconut milk

250 gm flour

20 gm rice flour

20 gm custard flour

200 gm sugar,or to your taste



1/2 cup water

1/2 cup cream corn,blend in the water until fine.

Yellow food colouring


1/2 water

Green food colouring

1 8cm tin,lightly grease

1. Mix together A and make sure there is no lumps. Strain,divide the batter into 2.

2. In one portion add in the blend cream corn and yellow colouring.

3. In the other portion add in 1/2 cup of water and green colouring.

4. Place the tin in a steamer and steam for 5 mins.  Pour 1 cup of the green coloured batter into the tin and steam for 6-7 mints over rapidly boiling water.

5. When set carefully pour in 1 cup of the yellow batter and steam for another 6-7 mins. Repeat the procedure,alternating between a coloured layer until all the batter is used up. Cool for at least 5-6 hours before slicing into pieces.



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