Sunday, May 12, 2013



115 gm butter,softened

2 grade A eggs

75 gm castor sugar

100 gm self-raising flour,sifted

30 ml milk

1/2 tsp vanilla

25 gm sugar

 17+9cm tin grease and line the bottom. This is a small cake.

1. Preheat oven to 160c.

2. Separate the eggs and place the whites into a bowl gradually add 25gm sugar and beat until stiff. Set aside.

3. Cream sugar and butter until pale and fluffy. Add in the vanilla and beat. Add in the egg yolk one at a time and beat well.

4. Add in half the flour and mix on a low speed until well mix. Pour in the milk in 2 additions and mix well. Mix in the balance flour.

5. Put half the egg whites in and mix in a low speed. Pour the balance of egg white in and fold in.

6. Pour the batter into the tin and level. Bake for 45 minutes or until the cake is done. Cool cake before cutting.


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