Sunday, September 8, 2013




1/2 cup skinless green beans,dry roast
until light brown and soaked in water
for 2 -3 hours. Pressure cooked with a little water until soft.

1 cup grated white coconut

100 gm brown sugar,or to taste

1 tbsp ghee

1/2 tsp cardamom powder

Salt to taste

In pan add all the above ingredients and cook stirring over a low heat until it becomes a paste. Cool and shape into small balls.

400 gm rice flour,dry roast and cool

Enough boiling water

Salt to taste

2 tbsp ghee

1. Put flour into a basin and add in salt and ghee.

2. Pour very hot water and stir until it becomes a dough.

3. Cool the dough then knead to form a soft dough. Grease the palms with some ghee .

4. Take same dough and put in the filling and form into dumplings. Steam until cook.


  1. wow, it looks really so cute

  2. Thank you priya I just made it because it look cute. But i did't use for the offering.

  3. did you use mould to make that shape sir?

  4. yes it is but the mould is rabbit but i change it to rat....


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