Monday, April 14, 2014



1 cup urad dhall (white ) soaked for about 6 hours
drain well and grind into a paste.

2 tbsp flour

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp cardamom powder,if you like

Salt to taste

Oil for frying

1. Put the urad paste in a bowl and mix with all the other ingredients excep oil.

2. Heat the oil. With a wet hands form mixture into flat patties about 6 cm in diameters and make a hole in the centre. Drop into hot oil and fry till light brown. Drain on absorbent paper

For the syrup

200-250 gm brown sugar,more or less to your taste. I add 200gms

1-1/2 -1 cup water, I like mine watery so I use 11/2 cup water. This vadai must be a bit dry and wet.

Cashewnuts for garnishing

In a pan add in the brown sugar ( I use the clean type were I don't have to boil and sieve it) and water bring it to boil when the brown sugar has dissolve. Add in the vadais and let it cook over a low heat for about 5 mint then remove form the heat and let the vadai soaked in the brown sugar for sometime
Chop the cashewnuts and sprinkle on the vadai.

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