Friday, September 26, 2014



250 gm glutinous rice,soaked over night.

150 gm brown sugar/ gula Melaka, or to your taste

1 pandan leaf, knotted

1/2 cup water.

1/2 coconut,grated white mix with salt to taste

2 tbsp glutinous rice,dry roast in pan until light brown.optional

1. Mix the pandan leaf and brown sugar in pan and add water boil until thick. Remove the pandan leaves and strain.

2. Heat a steamer and put the soaked glutinous rice in tray and level it. Add water just to cover it (not too much )

3. Steam until 1/2 cooked. Remove the tray from the steamer. Mix the rice well add in the brown sugar  and mix well. Steam again until cooked. Serve with the coconut and the black eye beans.

Black eye beans

100 gm black eye beans,soaked over night

60 gm brown sugar


Salt to taste

1. Boil the beans until soft. Strain the beans and add in the brown sugar and salt and cooked until dry. Serve this with the pulut.

Note: For the white glutinous rice the method is the same just use sugar instead of brown sugar.

The roasted glutinous rice is for garnishing



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