Thursday, October 9, 2014



180 gm butter or buttercup

360 gm caster sugar

3 large eggs,this is very important you must use large egg or 4 small ones

Sift together

300 gm superfine flour

1 full tsp double action baking powder

1 tsp full bicarbonate of soda

Blend into a puree

100 gm orange,remove the seeds only and chopped up, buy the
orange with thin layer skin.

3 tbsp orange juice (thick sunquick)

1/2 cup water

1/4 tsp orange essence,optional

Blend all the ingredients accept the essence to a fine puree
add the essence and keep aside. Must be 1 cup.

20cm square tin,grease with butter and line the bottom with a piece
of plastic paper.

Before you start to make sure that you bring your steamer to a boiling point.

1. Beat the sugar and butter until light and creamy

2. Add egg one at the time and beat well. Now pour this batter into a bigger bowl and add flour alternately with the orange puree. Use a whisk to fold in the flour. Don't beat.

3. Pour into the cake tin and cover tin with a piece of aluminium foil or cover with a tray. Make sure the water don't drip on the cake. Steam over rapidly boiling water for 1 hour 15 minutes. or until done. Remove and cool before cutting.


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