Monday, July 27, 2015


150 gm bitter gourd,wash and sliced very finely.
150 tomato,wash and sliced finely
100 gm big onion,finely sliced
2-3 red chilies,sliced,if you like it really hot then add in a few bird eyes chillies
A few pudina leaves chopped
2 tbsp roasted grated coconut
2-3 tbsp pounded roasted peanuts
Mix all this ingredients in bowl and add in Tomato sauce,chilie sauce,salt and sugar to taste. Mix well it should have the hot,sour,bitter and sweet taste. Mix it and serve at once don't keep it for long it will became watery.
Note: You can add in boiled chicken or prawn cut into small pieces to the salad. But I did't add. Because I did't have...


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