Friday, February 19, 2016



1 cup whole green bean,soaked for 3 hours,pressure cook for with a little water for 2-3 whistles. Remove the water and heat up the pot to evaporate the moisture. Mash up the beans.

¾ cup freshly grated coconut,dry roasted till light brown

105 gm sugar

1 tsp cardamom powder

¼ tsp salt

1 tsp ghee

Mix all the above ingredients well and make into small ball keep aside.

Fot the batter

200 gm flour

2 tbsp urad dhal flour,if you have

2 tbsp rice flour

125 ml water,more or less

1/3 tsp turmeric powder


Mix all the ingredients together and make in to a thick batter. Heat up some oil to fry when the oil is hot dip the balls one by one and fry till light brown remove from the heat and put in the kitchen tissues. Let it cool before serve it with a cup of tea.

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