Wednesday, July 6, 2016



100 gm rice flour
30 gm flour
2 cup pandan water,slice 6 pandan leafs finely sliced and blend with water and strain.
2 t/s sugar
¼ s/t alkaline water
A bit of green food colour

500 ml thick coconut milk
3 t/s cornflour
Salt to taste

300 gm brown sugar
100 gm sugar
200 ml water
2 pandan leafs

For the pulut
1 cup  glutinous rice
A pinch of salt
Red and yellow food colour

1.    Mix all the ingredients A and stir over a low heat till a bit thick remove from the heat and stir well. Pour in a grease kuih ayu moulds and steam till cooked. Remove the kuih when it is cool.

2.    Mix ingredients B over a low heat till it is thick (not very thick ) and remove from the heat and keep a side

3.    Mix and boil ingredients C till the sugars dissolves and thick. Remove the pandan leafs and keep aside

4.    Steam the glutinous rice and divide into 2 parts add red colour to one part and yellow colour to the other part.

5.    To serve put in the steam rice in the middle of the kuih and pour the white sauce around it. Then pour the brown sugar syrup and serve.

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