Monday, July 18, 2016



1 cup flour

¾ cup cooked rice,blend with ½ cup water till smooth keep aside

½ cup ulutham flour

2 tsp baking power

1 big onion,finely sliced

2 green chilie,finely sliced

2 stalk kari leaves,finely sliced

2 cm ginger,chopped finely

1 tsp fennel seeds,pounded

Salt to taste

Sugar to taste,if you like

Oil for frying

1.    Mix all the ingredients expect the oil with a little water to made a thick batter.

2.    Heat the oil and spread a paper towel in a plate and keep it ready.

3.    Wet your hand with water and make small ball and carefully drop it into the hot oil and fry till golden brown.

4.    Put it in the towel plate and serve it hot with any kind of sauce you like.

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