Wednesday, August 31, 2016



1 kg tapioca,cut clean and remove the tough fiber. And chopped into small pieces.

11/2 cup water

350-400 gm thick coconut milk

250 gm sugar,or to your taste

2 eggs,beaten

2 pinch salt

2 tbsp ghee

1.    Blend the tapioca with water not very smooth or not very coarsely. Pour into a muslin cloth and squeeze out the juice into jug. Let the juice stand for15 minutes then carefully pour off the liquid on the top leaving behind the starch.

2.    In a big bowl mix the tapioca,tapioca starch,sugar,coconut milk,eggs,salt and ghee mix well.

3.    Lightly brush the inside of a 18cm square cake tin ( I line it with aluminum foil but it sticks) with ghee.

4.    Heat the oven to 180c and bake the tapioca cake for one hour, or till done. Let cool before cutting it. Serve with tea or coffee.

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