Wednesday, October 25, 2017



500 gm plaintan,remove the green part of the skin lightly. Cut into a big pieces  boil till cook with salt. Remove and cool.

150 gm grated coconut

100 gm onion,sliced finely

5 garlic, pounded coarsely

4-5 dry chilie,broken into small pieces

2 stalk curry leafs

4-5 tbsp oil

1 tsp mustard seeds

1 tsp ulutham paruppu

1 tsp cumin

Salt and a bit of sugar to taste

A pinch of asafetida powder

1.    Cut the chopped the plaintan into small pieces.

2.    Heat the oil and add in the mustard seeds,ulutham paruppu and cumins mix well then add in the onions,chilie and curry leafs mix well and fry till the onions turn light brown.

3.    Add in a pinch of asafetida powder and a ¼ cup water  add a little salt and sugar mix well and add in the chopped plaintan and mix well and fry till dry. Serve with rice.

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