Sunday, November 12, 2017



1 kg tomato,wash chopped and blend into a puree. Keep aside

½ cup tomato sauces.

150 gm big onion,finely sliced

10 green long type of chilie padi,sliced into 2

8 garlic,chopped finely

40 gm ginger,chopped finely

1 tbsp chilie powder

½ tbsp coriander powder

Salt to taste

1/3 cup oil

1 tsp mustard seeds

1 tsp urad dhal

1 tsp kadalai parupu

1 tsp cumin seeds

3 stalk of kari leafs

½ tsp asafetida powder

Some chopped Coriander leafs

1.    Heat the oil and when the oil is hot add in the mustard seeds,cumin,urad dhal and kadalai parupu let this fry.

2.    Then add in the chilie padi,garlic,ginger and onions and let it fry then add in the kari leafs and fry till fragrant and when the onion turn light brown.

3.    Lower the heat and add in the chilie powder,coriander powder and asafetida powder mix well and pour in the tomato puree and tomato sauce mix well.

4.    And let it simmer over a low heat till oil rise and it becomes a little thick. Taste and add salt. Sprinkle the coriander leafs. Remove from the heat. Serve with idli or thosai

Note: if you don’t like it hot you can reduce the chilie padi.

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