Friday, January 11, 2019



Original recipe from Hanieliza

2 cup plain flour

4 tbsp rice flour

4 tbsp corn flour

11/2 cup sugar,or to your taste

7 cup of coconut milk

2 tsp salt

Mix all the ingredients and strain and divide the mixture into 2 equal parts.

1 cup of cooked and mash red bean

½ cup water

And red food colouring

Add this to 1 part of the batter mix well.

½ cup water

2 tbsp of corn flour 

Add this to the second part of the batter mix well

1 8x8 inch of square tin greased and line with a plastic paper on the bottom of the tin.

1.    Heat a steamer with when the water is boiling put the tin and pour one cup of the red bean batter and cover the steamer and let it cook for 5 minutes or till cook.

2.    Pour in one cup of the white batter and steam until set. Continue adding on the layers in alternate colours. Remembering  to stir batter every time before pouring out. I add green colour to the last batter.

3.    When cook allow kuih to cool completely . before cutting.  


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