Wednesday, January 2, 2019



1 cup rice, soaked for 4-5 hours

½ cup cooked rice

½ cup grated coconut

2 tbsp sugar

1 tsp salt

¼ tsp yeast

11/2 cup water

1.    Add all the ingredients in a blender expect the water.

2.    Add one cup of water and blend add more water if needed. Add water little by little and grind.

3.    Pour the grind batter in bowl and add water mix into a not very watery and not very thick batter. Cover the bowl keep a side for 8 hours. Or till it is fermented.

4.    Heat a appa chatti over a medium heat and lightly grease it . Pour a ladle full of the batter and immediately turn and tilt the pan in a circle so that the batter spread in circle.

5.    Cover and let it cook. Remove from the chatti and serve.

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