Monday, May 13, 2019



½ kg skinless peanuts,wash and drain

30 gm garlic, pounded coarsely

1 tbsp salt

1 tbsp chicken stock powder

3  tbsp  sugar

4 stalk kari leafs

3-4 cup water

1.    Boil the water with all the ingredients expect the peanuts.

2.    Bring to a boil. Add in the peanuts and let it boil for 2-3 mints.

3.    Remove from the heat and let the peanuts soaked for 1 hour.

4.    Drain the peanuts and let it dry for 2-3 hours. Remove the kari leaves.

5.    Heat oil and fry the peanuts till light brown remove and put in a kitchen paper and let it cool

½ tbsp sugar

½ tbsp chat masala*,if you don’t have just skip it.

1 tsp chilie powder

1 tsp chicken stock powder

4 stalk kari leafs,fried

Blend all the ingredients and mix with the cool peanuts. And keep in a air tight tin.

*Note: I don’t know were you can get chat masala in Malaysia. You can try little india brickfield in Kuala Lumpur. I got mine from India.

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