Sunday, October 20, 2019



400 gm marie biscuit,break into 4 pieces

100 gm butter

2 eggs,beaten

50 gm cocoa powder

100 gm milo

200 ml water

100 gm sugar

Pistachio,pound coarsely


250 gm dark chocolate

½ cup sour cream

1 cup icing sugar

1.    In a pan add in cocoa powder,milo,sugar and water cook over a low heat till sugar melt.

2.    Remove from heat and add the beaten eggs and mix well. Add in the biscuit and mix well.

3.    Pour in a greased cake tin and press it and level it. Spread top the frosting Chill in the refrigerator . Remove and sprinkle with the pistachio and slice into pieces.


Melt chocolate in a heatproof bowl over hot water,stir in the sour cream. Gradually stir in the sifted icing sugar. Refrigerate until frosting is thick.

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