Tuesday, July 28, 2020



250 gm cooked rice,2 cups

11/4 cup ulutham maavu ( tepung kacang hitam )

½ cup water

1 tsp baking powder

½ tsp baking soda

2 tsp fennel seeds, pounded coarsely

150 gm onion, finely sliced

1 inch ginger, chopped finely

½ cup grated coconut

1-2 big green chilie, finely sliced

2-3 bird eye chilie, finely sliced if you like it hot.

4 stalk of curry leaves, finely sliced

1 tsp salt

Oil for frying

1.    Grind cooked rice with ½ cup water into a fine paste.

2.    Sieve the baking powder and baking soda with the ulutham maavu.

3.    Add the ulutham maavu to the grind rice with all the other ingredients expect the oil. Mix well if the batter is too hard add a little water to made into a dough which you can shape into vadai. Taste it add more salt if needed.

4.    Heat the oil. I took about ¼ cup of the dough and shape it into vadais. Slowly drop in the oil and fry on both sides till they turn golden brown. 

5.    Serve hot with chilie sauce.

Note: ulutham maavu is urad dhal flour. 

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