Wednesday, February 17, 2021



500 gm banana stem, cut into cubes pull away the fiber as you cut. Cut into small cubes. Put it into a bowl of water mix with a little salt so that it will not turn into brown color.

200 gm big onion, sliced finely

2-3 green chili, finely sliced add more chili if you like it hot.

20 gm ginger, chopped finely

3 stalk kari leaves, finely sliced

1 tbsp fennel, pound coarsely

½ tsp turmeric powder

½ cup grated coconut

11/2 cup chick pea flour ( tepung kacang Kuda )

1 tsp sugar

Salt to taste.

Oil for deep frying

1.    Wash the cut banana stem and squeeze out the water. Put in a big bowl.

2.    Add in the rest of the ingredients and mix well don’t add in any water. Heat a wok with oil and when the oil hot. Take ¼ cup of the mixture and shape like a vadai and drop it slowly in the hot oil and fry till golden brown.

3.    Remove from the oil and put in a piece of kitchen tissue. Serve hot with rice as a side dish.


Banana Stem


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