Tuesday, June 26, 2012



300gm chick peas,soaked overnight and boiled until cooked,drain save the water

4 potatoes,cut into small cubes

2 carrot,remove skin and cut into cubes

2 tomato,cut into cubes

60gm kurma powder.mix with a little water and made into a paste.

500ml chick peas stock

500ml coconut milk

20gm chopped pudina leafs

20gm chopped coriander leafs

Salt to taste

A bit of sugar to taste.

For tempering


3-4 tbsp oil

1 big onion,finely sliced

2-3 green chili,sliced

2 stick cinnamon stick

2 star anise

2 stalk kari leaves


2 tbsp ginger paste

2 tbsp garlic paste

1. Heat oil and add in A and fry until fragrant and when the onion turn light brown add in B and fry

until the raw smell disappear. Add in the kurma paste and a little oil if needed. Fry until the oil rise.

2. Add in the rest of the ingredients and cook until the vegetables are cooked. Serve with chapati or bread.


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