Wednesday, March 6, 2013



300 gm brinjal,remove some skin and cut into small cubes.

40 gm grated white coconut

1/2 tbsp lime juice,optional

2 tbsp water

Salt to taste

For tempering

1 onion,finely sliced

4 dry chilis,cut into pieces.

1 tsp mustard seeds

1 tsp ulutham parupu

2 stalk kari leafs

2-3 tbsp oil

1. Heat the oil and add the tempering ingredients. and fry until the onions turn light brown.

2. Add in the brinjal and stir fry for a while, add in the water and salt. mix well and cover the pan and cooked over a low heat. Note: don't add alot of water.

3. Stir fry until the brinjal are cook,don't let it mash up. Add in the lime juice and coconut stir well over a high heat. Remove from the heat and serve with rice.




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