Saturday, June 29, 2013



150 gm radish,remove skin and sliced
thinly and boil with 1 cup water until cook
keep a side with the water

30 gm anchovies,cleaned

100 gm tomato,chopped

1 litre water

50 gm tamarind.

1/8 tsp asafoetida powder

Some coriander leaves,chopped

Salt to taste

Pounded coarsely

1/2 tbsp cumin

1/2 tsp black pepper

5 garlic

1/4 turmeric powder

For tempering

30 gm onion,sliced finely

3-4 dry chili,broken

1/2 tsp mustard seeds

1/2 tsp ulutham parupu

1 stalk curry leaves

1 tbsp oil

1. Squeezes the tamarind in the water and sieve. Heat oil and add in the tempering ingredients and fry until the onion turn light brown.

2. Add in the Anchovies and the radish with the water,tamarind water,pounded ingredients and the rest.

3. Boil until the anchovies are cooked. Serve hot with rice.

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