Thursday, February 8, 2018



1 cup dhal,soaked overnight

250 gm minced chicken meat

7 dry chilies, (or to your taste) broken

2cm ginger,chopped finely

3 garlic,chopped finely

1 tsp fennel seeds, pounded coarsely

¼  tsp turmeric powder

1 tsp garam masala

4 stalk kari leafs,finely sliced

2 big onion,finely sliced

Some chopped coriander leafs

Salt to taste

Oil for frying

1.    Take ¼ cup of the soaked dhal and keep aside, grind the rest of the dhal with dry chilies and fennel seeds till coarsely fine paste. Grind without water.

2.    In a bow mix all the ingredient’s. Heat oil and take some of the mixer and make into a vadai shape and fry till golden brown. Serve with rice.

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