Thursday, December 6, 2018



500 gm glutinous rice,soaked for 4 hours

2 cup thin coconut milk

1 tbsp pandan juice

11/2 tsp salt

Place the rice in shallow tray and mix in the coconut milk,salt and the pandan juice. Steam over rapidly boiling water until rice is cooked,20 to 30 minutes. Fluff rice up with a fork pour into a 10x10 square tin and press the rice down to form an even compact layer keep a side and make the top layer.

11/2 cup flour

2 tbsp rice flour

2 tbsp cornflour

1 cup pandan juice,finely cut 8 pandan leafs and blend with water and strain it to get juice.

2 cup thick coconut milk

1 cup sugar ( I use ½ cup only)

Green food colouring

Salt to taste

Mix all the ingredient together and stir well until smooth and free of lumps. Strain mixture into a pan and cook over a low heat till just hot and a bit thick. Remove from the heat and pour over the steam glutinous rice. Put the tin in a steamer and steam till cook. Allow it to cool completely before cutting.


  1. Can i know if the plastic will be melted fue to high temperature?

  2. Kumutha, the plastic is used only when the kuih has cooled down & during cutting only as it is sticky.

  3. Is the 1 1/2 cup flour tepung gandum?


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