Monday, April 8, 2019



1 chicken,cut into pieces

3 tbsp kerisik*

2 asam gelugur or 3 tbsp thick tamarind juice

2 fresh turmeric leafs,finely sliced

2 cups thick coconut milk

½ tbsp salt

1 tbsp sugar

1 chicken cube,if you like

½ cup oil

Grind into a paste:

30 gm ginger,chopped

30 gm lengkuas,chopped

30 gm serai,sliced

200 gm onion,sliced

20 gm dry chilie,remove seeds and soaked

20 gm big dry chilie*,remove seeds and soaked

1 tbsp turmeric powder

Dry roast and grind into powder:

1 tbsp coriander seeds

1 tbsp cumins seeds

1 tbsp fennel seeds

1.    Heat a pan and add in the oil and let to get hot.

2.    Add in the grind paste, grind powder and turmeric powder mix well and cook till the oil rise.

3.    Add the salt, sugar and asam gelugur mix well and add in the chicken.

4.    Mix well and cooked till the juice from the chicken comes up. Add in the coconut milk and some of the sliced turmeric leafs. Mix well and cooked till the oil rise and the gravy becomes thick.

5.    Remove from the heat and garnish with the turmeric leafs. 

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