Wednesday, May 8, 2019



250 gm flour

11/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda

150 gm butter,at room temperature

 2 cup of condense milk

1 tbsp vanilla essence

350 gm sugar

500 ml water,hot water

6 large eggs

1.    Heat a pan and add in the sugar and cook over a low heat till the sugar melt it will turn brown. Then slowly add in the hot water and mix well. Keep a side to cool. 

2.    Heat a steamer with water.

3.    Beat the eggs till fluffy

4.    Beat the butter and milk till well mix

5.    Sieve the flour with the soda and keep a side.

6.    In a big bowl beat the flour little by little with the egg mixture mix well.

7.    Then add in the eggs and beat well. Add in sugar caramel and beat well and add in the vanilla essence

 pour into a 20 cm deep square deep cake tin and cover with a aluminum foil.
8.    And steam for 11/2 hours slowly open and check if it is cooked if not steam again till it is firm to touch.

9.    Iet it cool before cutting it.

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