Sunday, September 20, 2020



2 cups rice flour

½ cup plain flour

½ cup cornflour

1 cup sugar

4 cups coconut milk

¼ tsp salt

Food coloring of your choices

7x7 inch square tin greased

1.    In a mixing bowl, combine the 3 flours and sugar together. Add the coconut milk and water and stir well to make a batter free from lumps. Strain batter and divide the mixture into 2 equal parts. keep one part white and tint the other a light pink by adding just a drop or two of red colorings.

2.    Keep one part white and tint the other part in any color you like. Heat the cake tin in a steamer. Pour 1 cup of the pink batter to cover the base of the tin completely. Steam until set about 8-10 minutes.

3.    Pour on the next layer of white batter and steam until set. Continue adding on the layers in alternate colors. Remembering to stir the batter every time before pouring out as rice flour has a tendency to settle. Always use separate spoons for stirring the different colored batters to prevent the colors from running into each other.

4.    When you have enough batter for just one more layer, add a few extra drops of red colorings to this and pour it over the steamed layers, creating a bright red top. Steam as usual.

5.    When cooked, allow cake to cool completely before cutting into pieces.

NOTE: This recipe is from the internet.


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