Saturday, October 3, 2020



1/2 cup sesame oil ( Indian sesame oil )

1 tsp asafetida powder

1 tbsp kadalai paruppu

1 tbsp ulutham paruppu

½ tbsp mustard seeds

2 tsp fenugreek seeds

2 tsp cumin

4 dry chili, broken into pieces

Curry leaves

150 gm good quality tamarind, chose the light brown seed less tamarind.

1 tsp turmeric powder

11/2 tsp chili powder

31/2 tsp salt

2 tbsp sugar

½ cup peanuts, fried

1 kg cooked rice.

1.Soadked the tamarind in hot water 21/2 cup. When cool squeeze out the juice and strain. Keep a side.

2. Heat the oil and when the oil is really very hot. Add in the mustard seeds, kadalai paruppu, ulutham paruppu, fenugreek and cumin stir well.

3. Then add in dry chili and curry leaves stir then add in the asafetida powder mix well . Add in the tamarind juice stir well.

4. Add in the chili powder, turmeric powder, salt and sugar mix well and let it boil for a few minute. When the oil rise remove from the heat. Let it cool a bit before mixing it with cooked rice. First pour ½ of the gravy mix well add in the peanuts. Taste and see if you think you need more then pour some more. After mixing  keep it a side for at list 2 hour before you serve. serve with potatoes masala.


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