Friday, November 6, 2020



500 gm rice flour

100 gm plain flour

150 to 200 gm sugar, to your taste, grind into powder

½  tsp salt

2 eggs, beaten

2 ½ cup thick coconut milk

1.    In a bowl add the flours, sugar and salt mix well. Add in the coconut milk little by little and mix well.

2.    Add in the eggs mix well. Then strain the mixture into another bowl.

3.    Heat the oil in a kuali. Leave the murukku mould inside the oil. Only if it is hot enough only the batter will stick to it.

4.    When the mould is hot dip it carefully inside the batter only about 80% of the mould is covered with the batter.

5.    Carefully hold mould in side the hot oil. After a few seconds shake the mould handle to release the murukku into the oil. You can also use a chop stick to release the murukku.

6.    Remove from the oil when both side turn light brown. Repeat this till all the batter is use up. When cool store in a airtight container.



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