Monday, April 30, 2012



500gm glutinous rice,soak for 8-9 hours,wash and drain
1-2 pandan leafs
250ml thick coconut milk
2-3 tbsp sugar or to taste
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cornflour
2 ripe mangoes,skinned and cut into slices.

1. Line a steamer with a piece of muslin and add 2-3 pandan leafs. Spread the rice over and steam for 30-40 mints.
2. Check and taste the rice after 2o mints to make sure that the consistency is right. sprinkle a little water over the rice to help it along.
3. Remove and leave aside to cool. heat the coconut milk in a sauce pan. Add salt,sugar and corn flour. Remove the pan from the heat the moment it starts to thicken.
Serve the glutinous rice with the mango slices and a generous serving of the coconut cream.

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