Saturday, April 28, 2012



350gm shallots,remove skin and leave it whole

1 tbsp oil

Heat the oil and fry the onion for 3 mints. Remove and cool.


2 tbsp coriander seeds

1 tsp urad dhall

4-5 dried chili,remove seeds add more if you like it very hot.

1 stalk kari leafs

1 tbsp oil

1. Heat oil and add A fry until fragrant over a low heat.Remove and grind or blend very finely. Add the onion and blend or grind coarsely

100gm tamarind,more or less to your taste.

1/2 water.

Dissolve the tamarind in water and sieve,pour the juice to the blend onion mixture stir well add salt to taste.

For Tempering

4-5 tbsp oil

1 tsp mustard seeds

1 tsp urad dhall

1/8 tsp asafoetida powder

1. Heat the oil and add the ingredients and when the mustard seeds pops. Add  the chutney and stir well cook until it becomes thick. Serve with thosai or idli

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