Monday, June 11, 2012



80gm mochai (field beans) dry roast and soaked in water overnight. Then boil it until soft drain and save the water.

400gm dried fish head parts,chopped into pieces.and soaked in water for 1 hour

2 potatoes,cut into wedges

2 round brinjal,cut into wedges

1 tomato,cut into wedges

60gm fish curry powder mix with 1 tbsp chilli powder, and mix with a little water to make into a

Mix to gather: 1 cup coconut milk,2-3 tbsp tamarind juice (or to your taste) and boil mochai water to make into 5 cups

For tempering(A)

1 big onion,finely sliced

6 cloves garlicsliced into 2

1 tsp fenugreek

2 stalk kari leaves

3-4 tbsp oil

1 Heat the oil and add in A fry until fragrant and when the onion turn brown. Add in the curry paste and stir fry until oil rise.

2. Add the dry fish,potatoes,tomatoes and brinjal stir well, let it for a mint. Then add in the coconut milk mixture. Stir well and let it come to a boil. Then let it simmer over a low heat.

3. Add the mochai and cook until earthing is cooked. Serve with rice. This curry will taste better the next day.

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