Tuesday, June 12, 2012



1 cup semolina,dry roasted,cool

1/4 cup water, you may need more or less

Mix salt with water.

1. Mix the cool semolina with water little by little till it becomes like bread cramps.
Leave it to rest for 1/2 hour

2. Steam the semolina for 15 mints,remove from the steamer. Break it up and let it cool.

1/2 cup thick coconut milk

1/4 cup thin coconut milk

50-60 grated fresh coconut white only,mix with a little salt

Sugar to your taste

1. Mix the cool steam semolina with the coconut milk and leave it for 15 mints.

2. Mix in the sugar and the grated coconut. Steam for 15-20 mints. Remove from the heat and serve hot.


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