Tuesday, June 12, 2012



600gm angled luffa,remove skin and sliced

300gm prawns,remove skin

2 tomatoes,cut into wedges

2 red or green cillis sliced into haft and cut

500ml thin coconut milk

250ml thick coconut milk

Salt to taste

A bit of sugar

Grind to a paste

1 big onion,chopped

15gm garlic,chopped

15gm fresh turmeric

15gm ginger

1 tbsp cumin seeds

For tempering (A)

1 big onion,sliced finely

2 stalk kari leaves

1 tsp fenugreek

1 tsp mustard seeds

1 tsp cumins

3 tbsp oil

1. Heat oil and fry A until fragrant and when the onion turn light brown. Add in the grind ingredients and fry until the oil rise.

2. Add in the thin coconut milk and tomato and let it boil. Add in the angled luffa and the prawns,stir well.and let it boil for a while.

3. Add in the thick coconut milk,salt and sugar, when it cames to a boil stop the heat.
Remove from the heat. and serve with rice


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