Tuesday, June 12, 2012



1 cup ( 250ml cup ) semolina,lightly pan roasted

1/4 cup green peas,optional

2 1/2 cup water

Salt to taste

Sugar to taste,optional

Lime juice to taste,optional

For tempering(A)

3-4 tbsp oil or ghee

2 tbsp kadalai parupu,soaked for 1 hour and drain

11/2 tsp mustard seeds

1 tsp ulutham parupu (urad dhal )

3-4 dried cilli,broken into pieces

1 big onion,sliced finely

2cm ginger,shredded,finely

2 stalk kari leaves

1. Heat the oil and add in A fry until fragrant and when the onion turn light brown. Add in the water and the green peas let it boil.

2. Add in the salt, (sugar and lime juice if use ) . When the water is boiling add in the semolina little by little and keep stirring all the time until there is no more moisture left.

Remove from the heat and serve hot.


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